Sunday, December 28, 2008


Here I am with the oft promised update. A lot has transpired since I last checked in. The bitch of it is I really can’t say what’s been going on. It’s all a bunch of shit and it’s above my pay grade. Suffice it to say, there are people here that have no fucking clue. And it’s a wonder that we win wars with jackasses such as these at the helm of things waaay above their level of competence. All I can really do at my level is sit idly by and watch as things progress. Now, if they get out of hand and I or the guys from work are involved, that’s when I can raise the Bullshit flag. Other than that, my hands are tied. I sincerely hope after all this is over certain persons are 1) NEVER given control of a project that can save soldiers lives and 2) In a position to make decisions that will ultimately affect those soldiers in a negative way. There are far too many sanctimonious assholes making horribly bad decisions. But, as I said, I can do nothing…And that’s the hard part of it all. I had a lot more, but brevity is my objective here.

On a lighter note, I wanted to fill everyone in on my day to day existence while I’m here. My day begins around 4-5 in the morning, all depending if I feel like dragging my ass out of bed and go to the gym. After the inevitable and much needed shower, I go eat at the DFAC (read dining facility). I then head to work, which is gotten to over gravel and dirt roads Lewis and Clark would’ve had fun with. This brings us to about 7:30 in the morning. If we have anything to do that day, we actually begin around 8:30 or so. At the appropriate time I go to lunch, finish up work and stay till around 7:00 or so. In between all this, I go to the PX, Post Office, barber or whatever idle activities I need to partake in. And this brings me to the title of this edition of my blog. A little background is in order

Military personnel as well as civilian have enjoyed AAFES (Army and Air Force Exchange Service) for a great number of years. They provide you with an ever increasing number of interesting and creative ways to relieve you of your hard earned dollars. And this is done in the name of convenience to those in uniform. It’s all fine and dandy, BUT it seems like AAFES has turned into the Anti-Christ and no one knew when it happened. Allow me to elaborate. There are PX’s/ BX’s (Post Exchanges or Base Exchanges, same difference) of a sort on pretty much every FOB, COB, Camp or what have you in Iraq (at least that’s the rumor). They’re the only game in town. Well, you can be a vendor, BUT AAFES gets their cut too. ANYWAY, on to the meat of the act so to speak. There are no ATM’s here. In order to get cash, there are a few ways to get it. 1) Write a check at the PX/BX. If this is a no go, as is in my case. I don’t even have a checkbook., you have 2) Get an Eagle Cash card. It’s like a rechargeable gift card. Or, in lieu of all this, you have 3) Buy something with your debit card/ and or credit card and get cash back. I use the latter of the 3. It’s easier and I can better keep track of what I’m spending. Normally, this would not be a problem. Normally, I say. There is an affliction, a rampant disease that started small, but quickly took hold and became an epidemic. I’m talking about boredom spending. It’s not uncommon to get so fucking bored your only option is to go out and do something. And that something usually consists of going to the PX/BX and buying stuff. I and almost everyone I know that’s been here have done it time and time again. I can see a few of you nodding your heads…you’ve done it too .

This is where part 2 of the title comes into play. I had to go and get some cash a few weeks ago. After much deliberation, I came to the conclusion that I needed socks. Not just any old socks will do ,tho. I needed Thorlo Boot Socks. These are like the Cadillac of boot socks. I will only buy these. But, the drawback is, they’re obscenely expensive. Here they’re $9.99 a pair…yes, a pair. And it may seem like a waste, but they are sooo worth it. Try wearing boots and standing on concrete for 11 hours a day…right. Well, I got my socks. I went to the register and made my purchase. I also realized I needed money. So, I got cash back. $20.00 to be exact. So, when is all said and done, it cost me almost $30.00 for a pair of socks.

My point to all this?...AAFES IS THE ROOT OF ALL FUCKING EVIL. Thus Endeth the lesson. See ya..

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